
  • Lokaci da kuma suttura & flanges

    Lokaci da kuma suttura & flanges

    Don ƙaramin girman tsarin, da kuma yawan ƙarfin iko na iko, bel na lokaci yana da kyau koyaushe zaɓi. At Goodwill, we carry a wide range of timing pulleys with various tooth profiles including MXL, XL, L, H, XH, 3M, 5M, 8M, 14M, 20M, T2.5, T5, T10, AT5, and AT10. Plus, we offer customers the option to select a tapered bore, stock bore, or QD bore, ensuring we have the perfect timing pulley for your specific requirements.As part of a one-stop purchasing solution, we make sure to cover all bases with our complete range of timing belts that mesh perfectly with our timing pulleys. Za mu iya koda wasu lokutan kirkirar zamani da aka yi daga aluminium, karfe, ko jefa baƙin ƙarfe don biyan bukatun abokin ciniki.

    Kayan yau da kullun: Carbon Karfe / Batsa Da Irel / Aluminum

    Gama: black oxide shafi / Black phosphate shafi / tare da anti-tsatsa mai